Jun 10, 2011

Time for a new grind period ..

Haven't been posting a lot lately, haven't been playing, haven't been doing anything really. Except for well, having a life :P ..summer is here! I love it! Weather is gonna be bad now though (from 28C and sunny to 14C and thunder/rain) so I thought I'd start grinding again. Going out with friends tomorrow but after that I'm all yours .. :)

I'm so curious on how many players will register for the WSOP main event. What do you think?

Awesome pic imo:) (yes I'm wearing clothes)


  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    6400 max for the main
    everyone in the U.S. has their roll stuck on ftp

  2. botersmoter1:06 PM

    5144 for main obv. (thats what durrr thinks :P) What site are you playing at now?
