Aug 9, 2010

ARGHHHhh!! So close!!!!

Finished 2nd in a mtt today ...I'm still pretty disgusted since I lost AJ vs KJ aip......*puke*
anyway, still playing cg and one  last tournament ..let's see how it goes.

Down about 2 buy ins in cg
. . . . . . . . . . ahhh . . . . . . . still disgusted. Like I can feel the taste of vomit in my mouth. No wonder my nick is barfbreath hehe:)


  1. Hey,

    don't worry about that, I know you'll win plenty more of these :)
    Good luck next time and just keep playing your A-Game...

  2. Thanks :)
    Still makes you sad. And anfry. And..ähh you know:)
